






                   We're back, and I wanted to thank everyone for their support.  This web is still a work in progress, until we get everything back the way it was. Until then, please book mark us, and return often!

                    This site isn't able to go onto a add-less server, yet.  So we ask you to please excuse any of the ads that Tripod might put on and please, don't follow them as this website derives no benefit from doing so.  We do encourage you to follow the Google ads and the Amazon ads (remembering of course to return) because such an action will help fund this website, and hopefully enable us to go ad-free sooner.

                    We're also hoping to add our Catholic library in the upcoming months.  We are hoping this will be helpful to Catholic families that are having trouble making ends meet, and yet, would like to read uplifting, edifying or informational Catholic book and listen to Catholic tapes.

More good news!  To keep up with us, please join Maritherese@yahoogroups.com for an e-mail reminder of what is new on our site!  Don't worry about e-mail harvesters, the group is for outgoing mail only. Don't worry about spam, we don't spam, and you can pick how often you get our newsletter, e-mail or a daily-digest.

Thank-you again!


Table of Contents

Prayers Novenas and Chaplets



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